Tuesday 17 February 2009


I thought i'd write a little something about enemeis, I know it isn't the brightest of posts but it's just the mood i'm in right now, I am still really annoyed about some people in my life i'll do this without names as if they ever read this they will know exactly who they are,

You know you get that feeling when you see someone you really dislike and you just grip your teeth with absolute digust,anger thats how i feel when i see these people, Alot of them who were probably a big part of my life before,

The first person i'm going to write about is a old friend, he was always a bit of a broken character, buti never expected him to turn out who he is today,Infact yes i did he was a complete wreck of a alcoholic and noone was good enough for him, No matter how much you tried to help him, he pushed everything you done back in your face because he was so angry at himself, at how he turned out, and if i were like him i would be too, he'll never change,I one read something he wrote about me and he said how he hopes i choke on my tounge and die,He is sick in the head!

The next person is also a close friend, Was, Nothing was good enough for him ever, he was manipulative and if things didn't go his way he'd ruin it for everyone else, he have such a patronising attitude towards everything and he intimidated almost everyone he got involved with, he made myself and alot of people feel so small, I will never forgive him for it, He never made me weak like he wanted he made me stronger, thank you!!

The next person is someone i've known all of my life, Me and her use to be basically joint at the hip, and i trusted her and she was everything to me i would never let her down and i would do everything i could for her. She came into my family and she grew up with us and my family treated her like she was part of it, As we have grown up we have went our seperate ways and i hate who she has become she has become the worst out of everyone i know i have never in all my life met a more fake, mnipulative, selfish, arrogant girl in my life, I hope she becomes a really sad lonely girl in the end, I believe she is probably very empty inside and she needs kicks so she goes out of her way to hurt other people she has lied to me and she has lied to her friends her family and probably to herself an uncountable amount of times, she has recently done things that have hurt alot of people and im really sick of her, she disgusts me in so many levels, I will never trust you again.

The next person was another friend, I hate who he has become, End off!

This is just a few paragraphs on my enemies i'm sure everyone has there own set of enemies and there own views on them, He's just a few people i needed to get off my chest, I needed to write this because it's being played over in my head and maybe they will read this one day and realise who they really are to other people, People who once reall cared about them.

I hope anyone who reads this can relate to it, Thanks for reading!

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