Tuesday 10 February 2009

Do things happen for a reason?

I got thinking today,Do things really happen for a reason?Sometimes if one thing never happened another wouldn't, Sometimes we need something bad to happen for something good to happen.
Just like if you don't ask the question, You wont know the answer.
If you don't go, You'll never experience would it would have been like if you had been there.

I've met lots of people in my life and probably lost and gained the same amount through the years,

I knew this girl the majority of my life and she always put me down, If i never told her to get out of my life when i did i wouldn't have the confidence i have now, If i had still been friends with her now i would always think that was what i friend was like and i wouldnt know the amazing people i know now.

I met this boy Kyle, we didn't become friends instantly, Infact we hated eachother when we first met and it took so many arguments for us to realise that the reason we never really got on to begin with was because actually we were to alike, If i had never met him there are so many things i wouldn't have done in my life,
We taught eachother how to Love, Laugh and enjoy life.
We have done so much together for 2 years we travelled, We met people together ,lost people together,Cried together, Laughed together and i really learned alot from him.

I often think if i never met him i wouldn't be who i am right now, I wouldn't be the same person writing this Blog....
I don't speak to him often now we seem to go our seperate ways but always find our way back to eachoher.

I think often if things do happen for a reason? why?

I don't want things to be simple but i want things to make sense.


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